On May 21, 2017, New Visions of Tomorrow co-hosted the We Are Together concert at the De Anza Visual and Performing Arts Center, at De Anza College in Cupertino. Our efforts managed to fill every single seat in the auditorium, among the crowd was Barry Chang and Emily Lo, mayors of Cupertino and Saratoga, respectively. We are proud to report that over $14,000 raised in the event will be donated to the Vista Center For the Blind and Visually Impaired, a local charity giving the opportunity for people to live their life to the fullest.
The Silicon Valley Youth Orchestra performed at the concert, as well as an NVoT organized singing group featuring VI kids and some of our volunteers. The feature performance was Tristan Chen, a gifted visually impaired pianist that gave a solo performance as well as conducted the orchestra through several pieces. Recently, Vista Center's board meeting included an official message sent by our co-presidents -- it is safe to say that the "We are Together" concert was one of our capstone events of the year!
The NVoT organization and team would like to thank all that attended the concert and their generosity. Your willingness to support the visually impaired makes all the difference for the community.
Here are some videos from the concert:
Concert highlight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=0g8UhHUpNDc&from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0&app=desktop
NVOT performance:
Choir - Raise me Up:
Choir - Flashlight
Tristen Chen - Self composed Keyboard song "Never Give up"
Tristen Chen - Piano solo "Gold Fish"
Tristen Chen - Conducting "Mission Impossible" wtih SVSO
Several pictures from the event are included below: