Quick Facts

  • 150+ active student volunteers

  • 80+ events conducted

  • 9 sponsoring organizations

  • 11 participating high schools

  • 2 chapter branches

  • $20,000+ raised

  • Officially recognized as a 501(c)3 in 2013, but incorporated and began activities in 2011

  • Entirely student-run, entirely self-sufficient


Over 700,000 children are afflicted by debilitating vision issues in California alone. Of this staggering number, over 30% are non-readers, and 20% are pre-readers; in other words, the majority of the visually impaired (VI) are hindered by a lack of educational opportunities.

NVoT aims to improve these conditions by targeting not only patients, but their families as well. Furthermore, we aim to bridge a unique gap in two ways: providing educational services via social events, teaching what cannot be learned in the classroom, and providing these opportunities with same-aged, sighted peers.

NVoT works independently and in conjunction with existing organizations to allow VI children to experience the wonders of learning for themselves. This is done through fundraising, volunteering, and organizing opportunities to allow kids a chance to participate in activities they would not have had access to in a school setting, including many hands-on activities. Donations are 100% used to fund our events, and all proceeds are channeled to serving the new generation of individuals with visual disabilities.

Volunteer Recognition

New Visions of Tomorrow recognizes its dedicated student volunteer staff for their work annually. We are affiliated as a certifying organization with the President's Volunteer Service Award, which honors individuals who meet a certain number of community service hours over a twelve-month period. These individuals receive recognition from the President of the United States, and additionally earn an official certificate of achievement, congratulatory letter, and a Volunteer Service Award pin through application. Three award levels are available (Bronze, Silver, and Gold) based on the number of hours volunteered. More information can be found here.